MDDF Band Submission

For your band to be considered to perform at The Maryland Doom Fest, please complete this form in full. You will only be contacted if your band is selected. Doom on!

If you don’t have certain required* info, put ‘none‘.

PLEASE NOTE: Maryland Doom Fest is booked solid through 2025. Any new submissions will be considered for 2026 and beyond.

We do listen to every band that completes the submission form.

You will only be contacted if we are interested. Please do not send repeated requests or emails for status updates.

Include City/Town, State/Region (+ Country if not U.S.)
Use full URL -
Use full URL -
Use full URL -
Use full URL -
Use full URL -
Use full URL -
Use full URL -
Give a BRIEF summary of your band - one to two sentence on what you're about.
Include official bio, all current band member names, any new releases or recent press received (add links!), whatever you want us to know.